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Flexor digitorum brevis muscle (foot, anatomy)

Last reviewed dd mmm yyyy. Last edited dd mmm yyyy

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Flexor digitorum brevis is one of the muscles of the most superficial layer of the plantar surface of the foot. It sits between abductor digiti minimi and abductor hallucis.

It originates from the medial process of the posterior calcaneal tuberosity, the plantar aponeurosis and the intermuscular septum. It forms four tendons that pass distally to the lateral four toes. It divides to insert into the borders of the middle phalanges. Flexor digitorum longus passes distally through these division to insert into the distal phalanges.

Flexor digitorum brevis is innervated by the medial plantar nerve (S2, S3). Its action is to flex the lateral four toes at the proximal interphalangeal joints. Also, it supports the medial and lateral longitudinal arches.

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