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Testosterone deficiency in the male

Authoring team

Testosterone deficiency in adult men

Based on the British Society for Sexual Medicine Guidelines on adult testosterone deficiency, with statements for UK practice (1)

Testosterone is the most important androgen in men. It regulates a number of vital processes in the body and is responsible for the development and maintenance of secondary male characteristics. (2)

When testosterone levels fall, patients can experience adverse physical and psychological effects, and a subsequent reduction in quality of life. (3)

Testosterone deficiency (TD) is defined as a clinical AND biochemical syndrome, associated with advancing age and comorbidities, characterised by a deficiency in serum testosterone PLUS relevant signs and symptoms. (3,4,5)


  1. Hackett G, Kirby M et al. The British Society for Sexual Medicine Guidelines on Male Adult Testosterone Deficiency, with Statements for Practice. World Journal of Men's Health. 2023 Jul;41(3):508-537.
  2. Dandona P, Rosenberg MT. A practical guide to male hypogonadism in the primary care setting. Int J Clin Pract 2010;64:682-696.
  3. Dean JD, McMahon CG, Guay AT, et al. The International Society for Sexual Medicine's process of care for the assessment and management of testosterone deficiency in adult men. J Sex Med 2015;12:1660-1686.
  4. Khera M, Adaikan G, Buvat J, et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Testosterone Deficiency: Recommendations From the Fourth International Consultation for Sexual Medicine (ICSM 2015). J Sex Med 2016;13:1787-1804.
  5. Jayasena CN, Anderson RA, Llahana S, et al. Society for Endocrinology guidelines for testosterone replacement therapy in male hypogonadism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2022 Feb;96(2):200-19.

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