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Referral criteria to a sleep study if obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in an adult

Authoring team

indications for referral to a sleep study in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

The following are indicators for referral to a sleep study:

  • symptoms of excessive sleepiness or an Epworth sleepiness score of >=11*

  • recurrent witnessed apnoeas

  • nocturnal choking, gasping, or 'dyspnoea'

  • headache in the morning

  • unrefreshing sleep despite adequate sleep time and continuity

  • near miss events or incidents caused by reduced vigilance while driving*

  • screening before bariatric surgery or upper airway surgery for snoring

  • otherwise unexplained polycythaemia, pulmonary hypertension, or ventilatory failure

*urgent referral is necessary if the Epworth sleepiness score is >18 or the patient has had a road traffic incident or near miss event


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