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Lichen nitidus

Authoring team

  • most commonly seen in children and in young adults
  • is an incidental finding in most patients
    • most commonly presents as an incidental finding on physical examination or after the patient notices an insidious onset of the lesions
    • characteristically asymptomatic
    • physical examination reveals pinpoint- to pinhead-sized skin-colored papules that may be scaly or have a central depression
      • usually are found on the forearms, trunk, and the glans and shaft of the penis.
  • aetiology is unknown
  • because lichen nitidus is rare, definitive establishment of the epidemiology is difficult
    • a small study of 43 cases demonstrated a male-to-female ratio of almost 4:1, although the generalized (confluent) form may be more common in women
    • no racial predisposition or known genetic inheritance pattern has been noted.
    • primarily affects children and young adults, with a median age of seven years in males and 13 years in females
  • thought to be a variant of lichen planus
  • can be discrete or generalized:
    • in the discrete form, papules typically do not coalesce; however, they may form or group at sites of trauma or skin pressure (the isomorphic or "Koebner” phenomenon)
    • in the generalized (confluent) form, papules coalesce into red-yellow to brown plaques, especially in joint flexures, wrist and forearm ventral surfaces, or inframammary areas, making the clinical diagnosis more challenging
    • biopsy may be helpful because lichen nitidus has a characteristic histologic appearance.
  • does not itch - unlike lichen planus
  • common sites include the forearms, wrists, lower abdomen and penis " occasionally lichen nitidus may coexist with true lichen planus
  • spontaneous resolution can occur with no residual atrophy or pigmentary changes
  • tends not to respond well to treatment and may persist for long periods

Treatment options include - topical steroids, short course of systemic corticosteroids, UV therapy (1,2)


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