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Lipoedema is a syndrome characterized by bilateral, symmetric lower extremity enlargement due to subcutaneous deposition of fat

  • involvement typically extends from the buttocks to the ankles
    • the feet are much less involved or spared entirely
  • affects women almost exclusively
    • not a rare condition; up to 11% of women or postpubertal girls may be affected to some degree
    • typically developing insidiously after puberty and progressing gradually
  • condition bears some clinical resemblance to lymphedema and is frequently misdiagnosed as such
    • however, in contrast to lipoedema the swelling of lymphedema is due to accumulation of protein-rich interstitial fluid within the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by lymphatic dysfunction.

Treatment options for lipoedema are limited:

  • dieting, diuretics, leg elevation, and compression appear to be of minimal benefit
    • long-term low-level compression therapy is unlikely to reverse lipoedema it may help prevent its worsening and progression to lipolymph-edema
  • attempts to treat invasively via lipectomy or liposuction are not recommended because they risk causing mechanical damage to the lymphatics

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