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Ampicillin (amoxicillin) and glandular fever

Authoring team

It is important to avoid the use of ampicillin (and amoxicillin (amoxycillin *)) in glandular fever because it increases the occurrence of a macular, pruritic rash.

A recent review suggests that the incidence of this occurring is not as high as previously thought (1)

Even though it is associated with penicillin, this rash does not represent a true penicillin allergy.

It typically resolves in a few days after discontinuing the antibiotic. (2)


* Amoxicillin became the British Approved Name for amoxycillin in 2004

  1. Thompson DF, Ramos CL. Antibiotic-induced rash in patients with infectious mononucleosis. Ann Pharmacother. 2017 Feb;51(2):154-62.
  2. Mergoum AM. Amoxicillin rash in infectious mononucleosis. N Engl J Med. 2021 Sep 9;385(11):1033.

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