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In most cases the management is mainly supportive with particular emphasis on keeping the child well hydrated. The oral lesions are painful and may be treated with topical acyclovir, but most children find interference very unpleasant.

In severe cases, consider hospital admission and oral acyclovir.

  • there is evidence that acyclovir oral suspension treatment (15 mg/kg 5 times a day) for herpetic gingivostomatitis, started within 3 days of onset, significantly reduced the duration of clinical manifestations and infectivity of affected children (1)


  1. Amir, J., Harel, L., Smetana, Z. & Varsano, I. (1997) Treatment of herpes simplex gingivostomatitis with aciclovir in children: a randomized double blind placebo controlled study. Br Med J 314, 1800-1803.

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