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Ratio of platelets to lymphocytes (PLR) and cancer

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Platelet-Lymphocyte ratio (PLR)

PLR is defined as the ratio of platelets to lymphocytes

  • studies show that platelets and lymphocytes play multiple roles in the inflammatory response
    • platelet elevation accelerates tumor progression by promoting the formation of new blood vessels and the production of adhesion molecule (1)

  • lymphocytes are an important component of anti-tumor immunity, releasing a range of cytokines that activate anti-tumor immunity (2)

  • the prognosis of multiple solid tumors is related to a series of inflammatory factors such as PLR have been confirmed (3,4)

  • elevated PLR is closely related to poor prognosis in a variety of cancer patients (3)

  • elevated pre-treatment PLR was a prognostic factor for poor overall survival and disease free survival and associated with poor clinicopathological parameters in gastric cancer patients (5)


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