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Episodic versus chronic cluster headaches

Authoring team

types of cluster headaches

The disease can be divided into two forms according to the duration and frequency of episodes:

  • episodic
    • cluster headache attacks occurring in periods lasting from 7 days to one year, separated by pain-free periods lasting at least 3 months
      • cluster periods usually last between 2 weeks and 3 months
    • most headaches start at the same time of year and occur at the same time during the day or night
    • six times more common than the chronic form
    • in contrast to cluster headache, there is no male predominance. Onset is usually in adulthood, although childhood cases are reported (2)

  • chronic
    • cluster headache attacks occurring for one year or longer without remission, or with remission periods lasting less than 3 months
    • may arise 'de novo' (previously referred to as primary chronic cluster headache), or evolve from episodic cluster headache (previously secondary chronic cluster headache)
    • in some patients change occurs from chronic cluster headache to episodic cluster headache.
    • seen in around 10-15% of patients with cluster headaches (1,2,3).
    • men are afflicted three times more often than women.


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