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Patient advice

Authoring team

The patient with a retinal detachment can be given the following advice:

  • before any corrective procedure, rest on on by a bed, avoiding strenuous activities that may provoke further detachment
  • lying side or face-down has been advocated by some in order to promote the realignment of retinal layers
  • after an operation:
    • an eye pad will be worn overnight
    • steroid and antibiotic drops are likely to be started the next day
    • if gas or air has been inserted, the patient is advised to maintain the side/front lying position until it has been absorbed; this may necessitate lying still for a certain percentage of each hour while recuperating at home
    • the eye is likely to feel swollen and the lids sore for a few days - this can be eased by analgesics such as Paracetamol
    • the hospital stay is typically 3-6 days
    • eye drops are continued for 4 weeks
    • strenuous activity should be avoided for 4-6 weeks

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