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Choroquine and psychiatric complications

Authoring team

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are ssociated with psychiatric reactions, including reports of depression, anxiety, hallucinations, and psychosis (1)

Advice to patients (1):

  • advise patients taking hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine medicines to contact a doctor immediately if they experience new or worsening mental health problems (such as irrational thoughts, anxiety, hallucinations, and feeling confused or feeling depressed, including thoughts of self-harm or suicide)

  • family members or caregivers may also be advised to be vigilant for these reactions and the need to seek medical advice if they occur


  • MRHA. Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine: increased risk of cardiovascular events when used with macrolide antibiotics; reminder of psychiatric reactions. Drug Safety Update volume 15, issue 7: February 2022: 2
  • Mubagwa K. Cardiac effects and toxicity of chloroquine: a short update. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2020;56(2):106057. doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106057

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