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Pulmonary lesion

Authoring team

The pathogenesis of the pulmonary lesions are described:

  • it is suggested that bacteria adhere more easily to the abnormal epithelium and that mucus cannot be efficiently cleared
  • chronic bacterial infection results in mucus gland hypertrophy, mucus hypersecretion and further infection
  • the bronchial wall is damaged and bronchiectasis develops
  • when established bronchiectasis is present and mucociliary transport is compromised, then clearance of the lungs is increasingly dependent on gravity and cough
  • principal pathogens include:
    • Haemophilus influenzae
    • Staphylococcus aureus
    • later, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pseudomonads
  • small areas of parenchymal consolidation and fibrosis may develop as a result of impaired clearance
  • in advanced disease there is increasing destruction of lung tissue and emphysema

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