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Lacerations (cuts), abrasions and scars when child maltreatment should be suspected

Authoring team

  • suspect child maltreatment if a child has lacerations, abrasions or scars and the explanation is unsuitable.
    • examples where child maltreatment should be suspected include lacerations, abrasions or scars:
      • on a child who is not independently mobile
      • that are multiple
      • with a symmetrical distribution
      • on areas usually protected by clothing (for example, back, chest, abdomen, axilla, genital area)
      • on the eyes, ears and sides of face
      • on the neck, ankles and wrists that look like ligature marks


  • for the purposes of this guideline, to suspect child maltreatment means a serious level of concern about the possibility of child maltreatment but is not proof of it


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