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  • Ricin is a protein toxin that is derived from castor oil seeds. It inhibits protein synthesis and has widespread toxic effects on the body. These include damage to most organ systems and a combination of pulmonary, renal, liver and immunological failure may lead to death
  • No antidote is known: treatment can only be supportive
  • Clinical features:
    • the early symptoms depend on the route of exposure. Fever, gastrointestinal upset, coughing may be amongst the first symptoms noted.
    • absorption via the lung as a result of exposure to aerosolised toxin leads to particularly serious lung damage including pulmonary oedema and adult respiratory distress syndrome
    • ingestion of ricin causes irritation of the gut: gastroenteritis, bloody diarrhoea and vomiting
    • effects on the central nervous system have been reported including CNS depression and seizures
    • the effects of exposure to ricin may be delayed for some hours after exposure and patients who develop a fever may consult their own doctors
  • Diagnosis:
    • the early stages of ricin intoxication are difficult to distinguish from those of some infections; they may mimic septicaemia. Diagnosis will depend on a high index of suspicion
    • further information is available on the Public Health Laboratory website and from the National Poisons Information Service
    • patients thought to have been exposed to ricin should be referred to hospital. Those who remain asymptomatic for 24 hours may be discharged from hospital


  1. CEM/CMO/2003/1

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