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Clinical presentation and grading of hamstring injuries

Authoring team

Clinical presentation

The commonest presentation for injury to hamstrings is pain. However many patients may present to their GP with limping and on examination may have severe echymosis over the site of the tear. In severe cases there may be obvious bulging of the buscle where it has recoiled up the leg following avulsion


  • Grade 1 or 1st Degree. There is no significant tissue disruption, no loss of function or strength and there is only a mild inflammatory response
  • Grade 2 or 2nd degree. Actual tissue damage occurs that reduces the strength of the musculotendinous unit. There is some residual function.
  • Grade 3 or 3rd degree This is characterised by complete disruption of the musculotendinous unit with complete loss of function

Click here for video about hamstring injury including information about grading

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