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    Since 2001, Primary Care Notebook has been a "go-to" clinical reference source for busy primary care professionals seeking quick answers to clinical queries

  • Extensive

    Written by practising clinicians, Primary Care Notebook comprises more than 30,000 pages of clinical reference material, with each article focused on a specific primary care topic

  • Quick

    Information is organised into short, easy-to-read articles – quick enough to use during consultations. Hundreds of updates every month

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Powerful search and discovery – aided by AI

With such an extensive content library (more than 30,000 individual articles and other pieces of content), our approach to search is crucial for helping you find the information you need – quickly!

  • When speed matters, less is more

    No one wants to sift through search results that are not relevant. To save you time, we carefully select which of our individual pages are indexed for searching, and which are excluded from the index (while remaining discoverable through navigation from other pages)

  • A helping hand from AI

    Our search can now leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Tools such as AI-generated synonyms and dynamic re-ranking of results based on machine learning aim to help you find what you're looking for with your first search

  • Context awareness

    We categorise search results by content type. To save you time, the results we show depend on the page you are on when you carry out a search.