family history is considered to be significant when a male relative's first CHD event occurred before the age of 55, or a female relative's first CHD event occurred before 65
twin studies have shown that death from CHD is largely influenced by genetic factors - with a positive family history being associated with a 75% increase in risk in men, and an 84% increase in women
in men a paternal history of CHD increases their risk to 1.4 and to 1.85 when both parents are affected
women in whom both parents had CHD are at a still higher risk (2.05)
NICE state that (2):
estimated CVD risk should be increased by a factor of 1.5 in people with a first-degree relative with a history of premature CHD (age at onset younger than 55 in fathers, sons or brothers or younger than 65 in mothers, daughters or sisters)
estimated CVD risk should be increased by a factor of between 1.5 and 2.0 if more than one first-degree relative has a history of premature CHD
British Heart Foundation (Factfile 11/2003). Family History of Coronary Heart Disease in Primary Care.
NICE. Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification. NICE guideline NG238. Published December 2023
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