a review shows that exercise programmes clearly improve walking time and distance for people considered fit for exercise regimens. This benefit appears to be sustained over two years (1)
the review authors concluded that:
exercise therapy should play an important part in the care of selected patients with intermittent claudication, to improve walking times and distances
angioplasty may be more beneficial than exercise in improving walking capacity in the short term but it is uncertain whether this effect is sustained over 12 months.
antiplatelet agents were less effective than exercise in improving walking distance but should continue to be used because of benefits in reducing cardiovascular events and death
in contrast, pentoxifylline was more effective than exercise but may have fewer beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system in general
Iloprost gave less improvement in walking time than exercise
pneumatic foot and calf compression showed non-significant increases in walking distances over exercise
a randomised trial involving the use of treadmill exercise and resistance training in patients with peripheral arterial disease revealed (2)
demonstrated that supervised treadmill exercise intervention increases walking endurance, measured by the 6-minute walk and treadmill walking performance, in patients with PAD both with and without classic intermittent claudication symptoms
lower extremity resistance training intervention did not improve 6-minute walk distance in PAD participants
however, resistance training improved maximal treadmill walking time and quality-of-life measures, particularly stair climbing ability
study authors concluded that "..physicians should recommend supervised treadmill exercise programs for PAD patients, regardless of whether they have classic symptoms of intermittent claudication.."
NICE state (3):
offer a supervised exercise programme to all people with intermittent claudication
2 hours of supervised exercise a week for a 3-month period
encouraging people to exercise to the point of maximal pain
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