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Pure tone audiometry (PTA)

Authoring team

  • pure-tone threshold audiometry is the measurement of an individual's hearing sensitivity for calibrated pure tones (1)
  • assesses hearing loss by air and bone conduction.
  • pure tone signals between 125Hz and 12kHz and at variable intensities are fed to the patient either via a vibrator applied to the mastoid process - for bone conduction - or via earphones - for air conduction. The intensity at which 50% of tones for a particular frequency are reported is charted as the threshold for that frequency on an audiogram.
  • the symbols used on most audiograms are:
    • x - left, air conduction
    • o - right, air conduction
    • ] - left, bone conduction
    • [ - right, bone conduction
  • its results have significant influence on the medical, legal, educational, occupational, social, and psychological outcomes (1)


Normal Hearing

-10-26 dB

Mild Hearing Impairment

27-40 dB

Moderate Hearing Impairment

41-55 dB

Moderately Severe Impairment

56-70 dB

Severe Hearing Impairment

71-90 dB

Profound Hearing Impairment

>= 91 dB


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