Buccinator is one of the muscles of the cheeks and lips. On each side, it has a complex origin from:
Its muscle fibres pass anteriorly to converge on the orbicularis oris muscle in the modiolus of the mouth. Fibres originating from the ligament and raphe decussate at the modiolus whereas those originating from bone pass directly into the nearest lip without crossing.
Superficial to buccinator is the buccal fat pad. Deep to the muscle is the mucous membrane of the cheek. It is traversed by the parotid duct.
Its arterial supply is from the buccal artery.
It is not a primary muscle of mastication - it does not move the jaw - and this is reflected in its motor innervation from the facial nerve. However, proprioceptive fibres are derived from the buccal branch of the mandibular part of the trigeminal nerve (CN V).
The actions of buccinator are to:
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