Progestogen-only implants
Weight gain with implants
The Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for the ENG progestogen-only implant advises that "the clinical experience in heavier women in the third year of use is limited". It therefore states that "it cannot be excluded that the contraceptive effect may be lower than for women of normal weight". It advises that health professionals may therefore consider earlier replacement of the implant in ‘heavier’ women. The SPC does not specify a definition of heavier weight or after what duration of use replacement may need to be considered. The FSRH advises that there is no direct evidence to support a need for earlier implant replacement, and recent data assessing continued use in women with raised BMI beyond 3 years are very reassuring. Therefore the FSRH guidance is that the ENG implant can be considered to providevery effective contraception for 3 years for women in all weight/BMI categories
The single-rod etonogestrel (ENG) implant (Nexplanon) is the only implant currently available in the UK (1)
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