A caecostomy is an artificial stoma formed between the caecum and the abdominal wall
To carry out on-table lavage, a large Foley catheter (26-28F) is inserted via a stab incision in the right iliac fossa. Ideally, this gains access to the caecum by an existing caecostomy or an appendicectomy. The catheter is held in place with a Vicryl purse-string suture. The balloon is the inflated and the caecum is secured to the anterior abdominal wall. 8-10 litres of warm saline is then introduced via the catheter and massaged towards the distal colon proximal to the planned site of resection. The fluid exits via wide-bore scavenger tubing. After resection and anastomosis, the catheter is directed towards the ileum to facilitate decompression.
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