only investigation worth doing for external type snapping is dynamic ultrasound, where the ITB can be visualized snapping over the greater trochanter
for internal type snapping, dynamic and static ultrasound demonstrate the abnormal movement of the iliopsoas tendon, a thick iliopsoas muscle, an enlarged bursa as well as peritendinous fluid collections
bursography and tendonography have also been described for detecting internal snapping
only role for CT is to compare the iliopectineal eminences on each side
plain radiographs and MRI
useful in the diagnosis of intra-articular type snapping by demonstrating any loose bodies, synovial chondromatosis, acetabular labral tears or osteochondral fractures
Allen WC, Cope R. Coxa saltans: the snapping hip revisited. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995; 3: 303-8.
Provencher MT, Hofmeister EP, Muldoon MP. The surgical treatment of external coxa saltans (the snapping hip) by Z-plasty of the iliotibial band. Am J Sports Med 2004; 32: 470-6.
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