Correct bra sizing is import for the assessment of patients for breast surgery and for the correct application of a supportive bra post-operatively. Conventionally, size is denoted by a number and a cup size letter eg 30A, 34D. In the United Kingdom, the number equates to the chest circumference in inches measured at the infra-mammary fold. Generally, the cup size is proportional to the chest size. It is calculated as the difference in inches between the chest and breast circumference at nipple level minus the chest circumference. In this way, a difference in nipple level circumference minus chest circumference of the following dimensions equates to respective breast cup sizes:
However, this is an inexact science and the true breast volume will depend on breast height, width and projection. The issue of cup size is further confounded by incompatible cup size nomenclature between countries. For this reason, when sizing a breast for brassieres, it is important that the patient is advised by someone who is trained in correctly fitting garments. An incorrect size can lead to shoulder, neck or back pain and bra straps cutting into the shoulders. In a similar manner, for breast augmentation or after mastecomy, a health care worker who is trained in bra sizing with trial implants or prostheses can help the patient decide on optimal appearance with implant dimensions for surgery or with an external breast prosthesis respectively.
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