Ep 103 – Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: what has changed in QRISK3 and why?

Posted 2 May 2024
Dr Yassir Javaid
In this episode, which has been recorded for Chronic Conditions Month 2024, Dr Yassir Javaid (GP with a Specialist Interest in Cardiology) examines the role of the QRISK3 calculator in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. He considers the development of the tool, the differences between QRISK2 and QRISK3 (including the additional risk factors now included in the updated calculator) and the strengths and limitations of QRISK3 in understanding a person’s cardiovascular risk.
More information on Chronic Conditions month can be found here.
Key references
- ClinRisk Ltd. 2023. https://qrisk.org/
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