Seek expert advice prior to administration of vaccination if concern about risk of possible allergic/anaphylactic reaction to vaccine or vaccine component
Check uptodate details in the The Green Book before prescribing/administering a vaccination.
Check the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) of the influenza vaccination before prescribing/administering a vaccine.
Vaccination providers should consider whether to avoid specific vaccinations in the following:
While certain vaccines may be contraindicated in individuals falling into one of the categories mentioned above, this is not automatically the case
Individuals who have had confirmed anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of a vaccine containing the same antigens, or a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to another component contained in the relevant vaccine should not receive the vaccine concerned:
Most common allergens and vaccines known to contain them are listed below - list is not exhaustive and anaphylactic reactions to other vaccine components are possible; if so, it may be necessary to check the summary of product characteristics and/or with the manufacturer to understand whether a specific vaccine contains the implicated component
Egg allergy
Recent data suggest that anaphylactic reactions to MMR vaccine are not associated with hypersensitivity to egg antigens. All children with egg allergy should receive the MMR vaccination as a routine procedure in primary care - children who have had documented anaphylaxis to the vaccine itself should however be assessed by an allergist (3)
Neomycin, streptomycin or polymyxin B allergies
Gelatine allergy
Severe latex allergy
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