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Pregnancy (rashes in)

Authoring team

Certain changes in pregnancy are almost physiological.

  • common changes include spider naevi, palmer erythema, a generalized hyperpigmentation with local pigmentation of linea alba, areaolae, and genitalia.
  • chloasma sometimes occurs

Skin disorders associated with pregnancy include:

  • pruritus gravidarum (most common specific disorder)
  • polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
  • pemphigoid gestationis
  • prurigo gravidarum

If considering an infectious cause for the development of the rash in pregnancy. A flowchart summarising contact with vesicular or non-vesicular rash (1):


  1. UK Health Security Agency (July 2024). Guidance on the investigation, diagnosis and management of viral illness (plus syphilis), or exposure to viral rash illness, in pregnancy

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