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Thunderclap headache

Authoring team

A non-haemorrhagic "thunderclap" headache (TCH) is a diagnosis of exclusion made in patients whom present with severe headache but have a negative CT and LP.

  • differential diagnosis with the sentinel headache observed during the development of an aneurysmal rupture is extremely important (1,2)
    • all patients with TCH should be investigated with at least a CT scan and MR angiography, since this type of headache is not a frequent benign recurrent headache disorder, and may represent a serious underlying process

TCH is defined by the ICHD-II as a severe intense headache which is of rapid onset mimicking a subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) from a ruptured aneurysm with maximum intensity being reached in less than a minute (1)

  • the incidence in the developed world is estimated to be around 43 per 100,000 adults per year

Thunder clap headaches can be

  • primary
    • diagnosed when no underlying cause is discovered
    • ICHD-II classification states that normal brain imaging and CSF are required before a diagnosis (1,2)
    • although introduced in the second version of the International Classification of Headache Disorders as a different entity, there are doubts about whether primary thunderclap headaches really exists
  • secondary

Patients with a first presentation of thunderclap headache should be referred immediately to hospital for same day specialist assessment (1,2).

Notes (1,2):

  • the pathophysiology of TCH in the absence of underlying pathology is not well understood
    • primary TCH has a distinctive clinical and angiographic profile and must be distinguished from central nervous system vasculitis and SAH


  1. SIGN (March 2008).Diagnosis and Management of headaches in adult.
  2. NICE. Headaches in over 12s: diagnosis and management. Clinical guideline CG150. Published September 2012, last updated December 2021

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