This triage is based on an initial presentation to an occupational physician or general practioner. It is aimed at excluding specific spinal pathology and nerve root pain (1).
Acute back problems can be divided into (‘diagnostic triage’):
The first step is undertaking a history and examination.
Routine lumbar spine X-rays should be avoided in patients with non-specific low back pain (3). Other investigations (e.g. ESR and rheumatoid factor in a case of suspected ankylosing spondylitis) may be suggested by the history.
The characteristics of simple backache and nerve root pain are listed in the menu items.
Simple backache can be managed by the general practioner. Nerve root pain can be initially managed by a general practioner providing there is no progressive or major motor weakness. Indications for urgent referral and factors suggesting serious spinal pathology are indicated in the menu items.
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